Dave Soldier

$13.99 | CD | Catalog #MUL023
Release date: June, 2012
listen to MP3s:
The Crayfish
Olivia Porphyria
A Year for a Pomegranate
Hocket II
Many hued music for the organ performed by Walter Hilse, one of the great Bach and Messiaen organists at St. Peter's Church (the "Jazz" church) in New York City. Composer Dave Soldier's Organum is a book of five pieces inspired by patterns in nature: including shellfish (The Crayfish, The Conch and Oliva Porphyria, a snail with a fractal pattern) and trees (A Year for a Baobab, A Year for a Pomegranate) in an approach he calls "secular animism". Hockets & Inventions contains twelve pieces that use ancient "rules" from medieval motets and baroque counterpoint, and winds its way from the 13th century to an alternate present day, with melodies adapted from John Coltrane, Roscoe Mitchell, Otto Luening, and the Neville Brothers.